Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wedding in the woods

I've been searching long and hard for a place to have our wedding.  We've always envisioned exchanging our vows and enjoying our reception outdoors.  

I keep coming back to the idea of having our ceremony and reception at a campground.  I'd love to rent out a group campsite for a few days so we have lots of time to set up.

We'd invite our guests to camp out with us for a few days.  Of course, we'd make sure there are some nearby hotels or cabins to rent for those who may not be up for camping.

Hammocks will be hung all over the camp ground.  For the guests that decide to camp ahead of time, we'll dedicate a couple of tents with mirrors, stations w/blow dryers, hair straighteners, curling irons, and other gadgets to help our guests get ready for the event. 

We'd rent tables, chairs, a dance floor and possibly a tent. 

 Nothing would make us happier than sitting around a campfire and/or area lit with tiki torches and strung lights with our family and friends.

How awesome would this be?

Here's some other random inspiring photos...

Flower girl

I haven't really put much thought into who might be the flower girl... but I'm pretty sure I want to make a pomander for her.   Aawww I can't wait to see Aven walk down the aisle with a little lady carrying one of these :) .  He'll be around 2 years old by the time we get married.   My handsome fiance and son are going to have me crying the entire ceremony.


Making all of the bouquets seems like the most intimidating task.  I may be able to do these shortly after arranging the centerpieces.

I'm thinking about constructing a half oval wire mesh base to grow succulents out of.  This way the succulent arrangement will be done & all I have to do is attach a handle closer to the big day.

I'm in love with the cascade look.  All of the bouquets would be an oval shape but mine would be slightly larger w/ some 'spiller' succulents.  I'm still learning about different succulent species, but this is a neat 'spiller' one.  We shall see... if it's too tough we'll have have round bouquets.  TBD.

Sedum burrito

Here's some more inspiring photos I've gathered over the last few weeks.  These arrangements are so beautiful!!!

Balls of twine

It never crossed my mind how easy these are to make... 

I like the idea of hanging them from trees for the ceremony & also having some with lights to hang around the reception area.

I came across these beautiful pomanders w/succulents in them.  I would however have to get a ball made of grape vine since the succulents would grow inside it.



We will most definitely be making our own boutonnieres.

This site is awesome.  Step by step detail on how to make a simple succulent boutonniere.

The best part of using succulents is that we can make all the arrangements well in advance so we don't have to worry about them around our wedding day.  Boutonnieres will be the only exception.  We could probably get away of constructing these several days before the wedding.  But luckily they look super easy to make!

Monday, June 25, 2012


Here's some inspiration for our center pieces.  I'll have to start my search for some neat looking containers to do all the main centerpieces.  

I love this one.

Once I figure out the exact color combo... making these succulent arrangements will be a lot easier.

I've been looking around to order a bunch of succulent clippings to start growing a large variety of them... any ideas?